Become partner

You invest in a innovative startup with high social impact, you earn, help people in housing emergency and contribute to the urban regeneration of Italian cities.
Invest in an innovative startup
Benefits of tax incentives
You help people in housing need
Contribute to urban regeneration

With Homes4All you can invest in sustainable real estate and obtain an economic return while helping families who find themselves in a situation of temporary difficulty.

With an investment starting from € 500 you can benefit from tax incentives for innovative startups in the amount of 30% for individuals and legal entities.

Once the investment is completed, you become a partner of Homes4All Srl and you can benefit from some rights and advantages differentiated into 3 categories of shareholders.

500€ < 10k€

Sostenere gli obiettivi sociali di Homes4All

Benefici fiscali (30-50%)

Ricevere dividendi *

Valorizzazione quota societaria, anche con diritti di co-vendita

Accesso al servizio di gestione immobiliare

Diritto di recesso con semplice manifestazione di volontà ****

10k€ < 50k€

Sostenere gli obiettivi sociali di Homes4All

Benefici fiscali (30-50%)

Ricevere dividendi *

Valorizzazione quota societaria, anche con diritti di co-vendita

Accesso al servizio di gestione immobiliare

Prelazione nella sottoscrizione di finanziamenti fruttiferi di interessi

Presentazione di investimenti ed opportunità immobiliari

≥ 50k€

Sostenere gli obiettivi sociali di Homes4All

Benefici fiscali (30-50%)

Ricevere dividendi *

Valorizzazione quota societaria, anche con diritti di co-vendita

Accesso al servizio di gestione immobiliare

Prelazione nella sottoscrizione di finanziamenti fruttiferi di interessi

Presentazione di investimenti ed opportunità immobiliari

Diritto di voto

Scelta di 1 membro CdA **

Liquidazione preferenziale sul proprio investimento ***

Benefits for the members of Homes4All Membership categories
B >50K€ C 10K€<50K€ D 500€<10K€
Support the social objectives of homes4all
Tax benefits (30%)
Receive dividends*
Valorisation of company shares, also with co-sale rights
Access to the property management service
Pre-emption in the subscription of interest-bearing
Presentation of investments and real estate opportunities
Voting rights
Choice of 1 board member**
Preferential settlement on your investment***
Right of withdrawal with a simple manifestation of will****

*at the end of the period of legal status of innovative startup

**the entire category has the right to choose 1 member of the Board of Directors

***pursuant to art. 11 Company Bylaws

****(pursuant to art. 2473 of the Italian Civil Code) as from the loss of the qualification of innovative startup

Invest in

Become our partner
and contribute to the urban regeneration of Italian cities

Invest, earn, help

Contact us

You can become a Homes4All member at any time of the year.
By filling out the form you will be contacted and will receive all the necessary information.